Shades Of Black Magazine is a periodical publication that speaks from the heart, soul and mind of many urban Black Americans
directly linked and affected by the trails, tribulations and truimphs of being "BLACK" living here in American. Our main focus
is on news and information that will help "Uplift and Empower" Black Americans with the knowledge of "SELF" in areas of our
history (past)(present) and (future), policies and politics that effect the lives of Black Americans, the traditions and culture
that were once a symbol to Black Americans to be strong and stay united and..... showcasing (Modeling) the natural physical
beauty of our women BOLD, BEAUTIFUL, GIFTED, BUILT AND BLACK. We're providing an aveune to recognize the everyday achievements
of everyday ordinary people who want to make a "Differences" in their lives and in the lives of others. This is "SHADES OF
- Shades Of Black Magazine -